3 min read

Business Effect Oriented Programming

Business Effect Oriented Programming is a programming methodology that prioritizes achieving business outcomes over technical implementation, leading to more efficient and effective software development.

Business Effect Oriented Programming

BEOP is a programming methodology that prioritizes achieving business outcomes over technical implementation, leading to more efficient and effective software development.

Main principles

Deploy MVP Features Early

The key principle of Business Effect Oriented Programming is to deploy the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) version of a feature as early as possible. Identify the core functionalities that provide immediate value to the business and focus on developing and deploying those first.

Prioritize Business Value

Continuously evaluate and prioritize features based on their potential business impact. Consider the strategic goals, revenue generation opportunities, customer satisfaction, or any other relevant factors that align with the business possibilities within your company. Focus on delivering features that provide the most significant value to the business.

Agile Development and Iteration

Embrace an agile development methodology that supports rapid iteration and continuous improvement. Develop features incrementally, starting with the MVP version, and gather feedback from stakeholders and users throughout the process. Iterate on the deployed features to enhance their functionality, performance, and user experience.

Continuous Communication and Collaboration

Foster open communication and collaboration between the development team and business stakeholders. Regularly involve key stakeholders in the feature development process to gather requirements, provide feedback, and ensure alignment with business possibilities. Encourage cross-functional teamwork and create channels for constant feedback exchange.

Embrace Flexibility and Adaptability

Maintain flexibility and adaptability in response to changing business needs and market dynamics. Be prepared to prioritize features based on new opportunities or evolving business possibilities. Adapt your development roadmap and adjust the deployment strategy accordingly to deliver the most impactful features promptly.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

Utilize data and insights to drive decision-making throughout the development process. Collect and analyze relevant data on user behavior, market trends, and business performance to inform feature enhancements and prioritization. Make evidence-based decisions to optimize the development efforts and ensure alignment with business possibilities.

User-Centric Approach

Place a strong emphasis on understanding and addressing user needs. Involve users early in the process, gather their feedback on MVP features, and incorporate their input in subsequent iterations. Continuously refine features based on user feedback and usability testing to create a positive user experience that aligns with business possibilities.

Emphasize Efficiency and Speed

Strive for efficiency and speed in all aspects of development and deployment. Streamline processes, remove bottlenecks, and eliminate unnecessary steps that impede progress. Continuously look for opportunities to improve development cycles, reduce time-to-market, and deliver features at a rapid pace, while ensuring quality and alignment with business possibilities.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the team. Encourage sharing knowledge, conducting retrospectives after feature deployments, and capturing lessons learned. Utilize insights gained from each iteration and deployment to enhance the development process and refine the approach to future feature releases.

Outcome Orientation

Maintain a strong focus on the desired business outcomes and measure the impact of deployed features against predefined success metrics. Continuously assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented features in achieving business goals. Use this feedback loop to iterate on features, realign priorities, and make data-driven decisions for future development efforts.


By following these principles, you can effectively implement Business Effect Oriented Programming. Prioritize early deployment of MVP features, maintain close collaboration with business stakeholders, adapt to changing needs, and continuously improve the development process to maximize business impact and possibilities within your company.